Down the Flemish Giant rabbit hole!
What's not to love about these gentle floofs?
It has always been my dream to own a few Flemish but sadly by the time I was ready to commit to them, we had basically lost the breed here in South Africa.
Thankfully, a few determined breeders brought them back from the edge of extinction here in South Africa (don't forget, we can't import rabbits or sperm). I was super excited when WatershipDown rabbitry sent me a buck and doe.
Deciding to keep with the WatershipDown theme, we named them Hyzenthlay and Bigwig.
Bigwig sadly couldn't do the job of producing babies (he had odd testicles), he has been sterilised and is living the bestest life with his new Mom.
Then there was a mad scramble to find a boy for Hyzenthlay before she was to old to breed .......... bearing in mind, we still have very limited Flemish Giant genetics here in South Africa.
A client put me in contact with a friend, who had a Flemish buck pet. Flopsy had great Flemish type (we get judged by the ARBA Breed Standards - more about this in another blog), he was however tiny compared to Hyzenthlay.
Hyzenthlay and Flopsy gave us an awesome litter of 4 buns (all girls). We kept two (Dandelion and DewDrop) and the other two are now spoilt housebuns.

Dandelion has now had her first litter, she is doing a superb job of raising eight babies.