Rabbit Hutches the Do's and Don'ts
We have numerous enquiries regarding bunny hutches and we do design and manufacture hutches with the best interests of the bunnies in mind.
We are also more than happy to give advice regarding building your own hutch or habitat.
Recently I have noticed some really shocking hutches for sale that are not suitable for rabbits at all! Rabbits have different needs to chickens and their hutches should be designed accordingly – a “chicken tractor” is not suitable for a rabbit!
When purchasing your hutch, please remember that your bunny will have a lifespan of 7 – 10 years – choose a hutch that will last!
Traditional hutch – this hutch is manufactured by us and based on our breeding hutches. Manufactured out of shutter board, they are strong and secure, keeping your bunny safe. Some of our hutches are over 10 years old & still going strong. These hutches are suitable for in and outdoor use.
The measurements are 800mm long x 600mm wide x 900mm high (600 high internal measurement). This is the minimum requirement for keeping one small to medium sized rabbit – set out by the South African Department of Agriculture.
Other specs;
- Floor: 13mm x 25mm weldmesh, make sure the weldmesh is of a thick enough gage so that it doesn’t sag under the weight of the rabbit. (THIS IS THE ONLY WIRE FLOORING THAT IS SUITABLE FOR RABBITS)
- The weldmesh must be installed smooth side up (the welds closest together must face up), this will eliminate your bunny developing sore hocks.
- Resting mats, tiles or eragrostis can also be placed in hutch so that your bun can get of the wire if he/she chooses.
- Front of cage – 25mm x 25mm weldmesh keeps your bunny safe, they cannot chew through this! The front opening flaps down for easy access.
Bunny tractor type hutch – this is an example of HOW NOT to build a hutch.
Faults: This hutch is clad with chicken wire, bunnies will chew/dig through the chicken wire and escape. It also only has one opening (above the ‘house’ section) which makes cleaning very difficult. The house section is manufactured from ply – which is not weather resistant and WILL NOT last.
Check list prior to purchasing/building hutches!
- Strong sturdy structure.
- Easy cleaning.
- Correct size weldmesh for flooring and installed correctly.
- No varnish/wood preserve on inside of hutch.
- Solid wood flooring must have a deep litter system of Untreated, unscented, dust free pine shavings.
- Internal height of 600mm per level (if multi level hutch), Rabbits need to be able to stretch.
- Most hutches purchased from Pet Shops are not high enough for your bun to stretch.
Click HERE for prices and pictures of the hutches we manufacture.
Happy bunnies need a clean, healthy environment. They also need to be housed with their specific needs in mind.